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hard to keep track and speed?????


good game but the players not


Cool game but the players are extremely toxic :c


I keep shitting myself and dying


Cool you can BUY A BABY that is TOTALLY LEGAL


Once I got the hang of it, I was on a roll. Generations and generations of healthy offspring produced a genetic predisposition to wealth and genius! I loved how you could boost the next generation during your current life and I got addicted to this. I think I played for about 4 straight hours until finally I HAD to get up to go to the bathroom and I was dead when I came back :( oh well, it was a great time!


I like the game but it's too hard for me with all the walls and no sprinting

u can upgrade ur speed as u age


I kept dying  right after I pooped I kept dying from no fun I MAKE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL FOR FUN! AND  I GIVE AWAY MY LIFE

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Every Fan don't forget this game. (2018-2020)

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You should fix the girl's eye color when running.

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MAKE V0.2.4. update


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MAKE V0.2.4. update


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MAKE V0.2.4. update



Hey! If you're new and want to play this game, here are some tips to remember:

1) You have to eat, piss, sleep and party, with a limited time to do so before it goes out. Find an area that has places for all of these things  nearby and memorize how to get around. Me personally, I stay in C1!

2) Keep food ( big sandwich, $58) in your pockets!!! It goes a long way and is filing

3) keep a schedule!!! for ex; party 2 times, sleep and pee, buy food (enough to eat and then some to keep for later), work, sleep, repeat

4) If your heart has gone down or you're tired, go to the hospital. Rejuvenates your heart and sleep. You can also take pills for happiness. Also, if any of those 4 gauges go down theennn so does your life lol

G O O D   L U C K

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everybody knoW that tips but that you said, said to us that you a pro.

Me l'm pro too.

And you know that l'm a fan (see my profile image)

and l started this game since 2018 and now is 2020 and l wanna reach my highscore (34.000$)!!!

Oh, and question:

do you wanna Lapamauve make update???

Me yes cuz l'm bored with v0.2.3.


neat game I find the character moment very slow soft even. It don't feel good. Other than that I like this game :) 


I can honestly say that I do appreciate the concept of this game and also the mexhanical execution of it!

I do however have some points of criticism / feedback :)

- The buildings all seem to be very randomly spaced out, breaking the overall fiction of a town environment :S Could do with designing a town structure with purposeful function building placement (Shopping district, business district, residential district)

- I feel as though there is no clear idea of direction for the player at all as to what they will need to focus on RE their stats. I feel an introductory area is needed?

- The PVP Mechanic seems to be somethibng that can get annoying very quickly for a Sims-alike game. The main issue here is that players are forced to be part of PVP Whether they like it or not. Maybe toggleable PVP?

(1 edit)

it wont let me start game. when i try to press start it does nothing.

same here

ah, it just takes a lot to load the contents

just reload  the browser 

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l love this game:

Watch my videos:

l'll be very happy LapaMauve (and other people) if you watch my videos!!!

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Everyone say:


please make death pose

Deleted 45 days ago

your just bad at it ive had no issues with getting killed. once u get a feel for the map and how to prioritize speed upgrades you will own half the block in no time. just be sure to have a baby locked in a house some were at all times

They can just buy your house like it's nothing. You have no protection against rich players, and even rich players hunt you down if you're rich too

Love it

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Plz make a new update at v.0.2.3.!!!

Make the v.0.2.4 (If you can do)

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l'm pro at this game

add more features like you can buy car, more work, more skill, more weapon, assistant for rich people

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That's a cool car

I like the concept of seeing other people working on the same goal and taking up your resources, but what is the goal here exactly? I don't mind grinding that much but I do not see the end goal which would entice me to do it. Except for maybe exploring what you can buy and/or reaching the top (doesn't work for me in this game sorry). For what it's worth I like the rest of it, maybe try adding some other ways of interacting with other players?

(1 edit)

this game is REALLY hard ;p but a very interesting concept and I love it! An introduction would be nice, though, since like other people that commented at first I had NO idea what I was doing, and the gauges do need to run a lot slower. But this is great!

+ from other comments that I saw,

the walking speed does need to be a lot faster and building placement IS really annoying sometimes when all the work shops just form one giant wall.

I was pretty excited to play this game just from the cover! But as soon as I was done with the character customization and pressed play, the game didn't play and I was disappointed. I'm sure the developers are fixing this mistake.

The game has stopped working so 0 stars for me until its fixed


Joined a server, the top 3 players were managing each different spawn. Made some money and killed the richest player in my area, took over all his buildings, after a reborn i wen't to kill the other two, then i eventually brought all the buildings in the game and made a monopoly. From there i just kept killing everyone who tried to buy a building, and instead just let l ive those who simply kept working under my command and generating money for me, was fun for a while. 

damn xD

You really need to balance out where the stores, work places, etc. are.

You just... should not have all the work places in a huge line making an impenetrable wall. You also shouldn't have like, zero food places near anything. If you die on the way from your work.

Also, you should probably make the walking speed slightly faster.

(1 edit)

Fun game! I really wish that the character wasn't controlled so heavily by physics. Moving around isn't fun, it's a chore. And when the one thing you'll be spending the most time doing in your game isn't fun to do, it's a problem. Consider at least making the character more responsive to control!

Also, the character customization doens't seem to work?

the game its just too hard!!!!!

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Well watch videos (and copy that the people do)

Hey, Maybe you can make it a lot easier to get money by either

1) Making people get more money when doing jobs

2) Put sleep, food, etc. closer to the job

and/or 3) Making things cheaper.

You really need to balance things like placement of food shops because there's like a whole half of the map where there are basically no food stores and you just end up starving because you could only buy like, a +5 out of 100 food or something and it's messed up because like, if you move away from the vending machine like at all ur gonna starve.

Then there's like 3 or something stores all in a line in the bottom right of the map, but you never tend to spawn there so like???

Whew, I think it took me ~4 hours to get to #1 with ~450k$.  So frustrating when I learned that I couldn't unlock the other attributes/skills.

Fun game, but when I learned my goals were pointless, I learned it was also a bigger waste of time than the time I initially put in.

so i try buying food but nothing happens and i keep dying

Deleted 2 years ago

I agree. Its a fun game. But needs to be a little simpler. A more in depth introduction would be nice. I had little to no idea what I was doing at first. Also a pause or pausing your bars while in map would be nice. Faster traveling as well. Like maybe a bus teleport you have to buy to get to a better part of the map. Someplaces where you start make it near impossible to do any well in basic needs. But overall pretty enjoyable game

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